In this guide, we show you the location of each and every subway station, as well as provide a few pro tips that will help you make the most out of your subway trips.

Subway Station Locations

Barakett Shopping District Subway Station

Downtown Subway Station

Verdansk Airport Subway Station

Verdansk Centre Subway Station

Lozoff Subway Station on Map

Torsk Bloc Subway Station on Map

Verdansk Train Subway Station

Tips to Master the Subway in Call of Duty: Warzone

You’ll know you’re at the entrance to a subway station when you see a curved green roof and a large staircase leading down to some turnstiles. There are two levels inside the subway, an entry/ticketing level and if you climb down another fleet of stairs, you’ll reach the platforms. There’s a ton of loot on both levels of the subway. The platform of the station works very much like a real-life platform. The screens at the station will tell you not only where a train is heading, but how long until it arrives at the station. So keep an eye out for the next train lest you miss it. Although, the trains arrive rather frequently. Just like real trains, the Subway in Call of Duty: Warzone goes both ways. So you’ll often have to skip over the tracks to board a train. Remember that the tracks are electrical and walking on them will cause fire damage. If you want to hop over the tracks, jump on the blocks in the middle of the two tracks to reach the other platform. Subway stations are bustling hotspots. Combine that will limited space to move around and meagre cover, your chances of dying in a subway station in Call of Duty: Warzone are much higher as compared out in the open. Additionally, the subway car will not close its doors if there is an enemy on board. While you can battle on the platforms, the subway will not leave if conflicting teams are inside of the car. You can hide inside the train and prey on innocent on-boarders, just remember that there is no cover inside the carriage. If you intend to hide and prey, keep your wits about you and shoot first. As soon as the train starts moving, you will fade into blackness and emerge at the next stop. So you can’t use this time to heal or reload or just chat with your teammates. Think of this more as a teleporter than an actual train you’ll ride on like the one going around the ground-level portion of the map. Finally, subway cars will take you out into the red zone where the ring is closing. They will only stop operating in an area once the ring itself has fully closed and relocated elsewhere. Because of this, you’ll want to watch the little LCD screen in the train to ensure you aren’t getting whisked away to your doom! Call of Duty Warzone  All Subway Station Locations - 49Call of Duty Warzone  All Subway Station Locations - 90Call of Duty Warzone  All Subway Station Locations - 88Call of Duty Warzone  All Subway Station Locations - 88Call of Duty Warzone  All Subway Station Locations - 70Call of Duty Warzone  All Subway Station Locations - 84Call of Duty Warzone  All Subway Station Locations - 46Call of Duty Warzone  All Subway Station Locations - 47Call of Duty Warzone  All Subway Station Locations - 42