This is according to Jim Ryan, the current president and CEO of Sony Interactive Entertainment, after he spoke to GQ about the company’s plans for the PlayStation 5 going forward.

Sony to Port More PlayStation Games to PC

Days Gone will now join other former PlayStation exclusives that have since been ported over to the PC. This action-adventure survival horror video game was first launched in 2019 as a PlayStation exclusive and is currently part of the PlayStation Plus Collection for the PlayStation 5. It’s an open-world title set in the zombie-infested mountains of Oregon as players take control of Deacon St. John, a motorcycle-riding US army veteran. It was one of the most highly anticipated titles before its release. However, even though many praised its visuals upon release, many felt that it fell flat from expectations. Most critics pointed out how its storyline was shallow with the gameplay repetitive, although a lot will admit that it’s a straightforward title that’s good for some 60 hours or so of gameplay. With that said, Days Gone on PC is finally happening and it’s much sooner than you think. Days Gone is expected to release sometime in Spring 2021, which is only just a few months away. Apparently, this decision is because of the success of Horizon Zero Dawn on PC. Now, Sony plans to port even more of their PlayStation exclusives going forward. In the GQ interview, the SIE CEO said that “there’s an opportunity to expose those great games to a wider audience” before adding that the “ease of making it available to non-console owners has grown”. He also goes on to claim that porting these games to the PC platform was a “fairly straightforward decision” for Sony to make. TLDR; the market is prime for PlayStation-exclusive titles being made available on other platforms. In particular, on the PC. What once was a questionable financial endeavor is now seen as a profitable undertaking.

What Other PlayStation Games Are Coming to PC?

Unfortunately, Ryan did not go on to reveal which other PlayStation games will be available on the PC. He also did not confirm which ones are currently in development. Many fans are hoping that this will eventually include the Souls-like video game, Bloodborne. Whether or not that is truly the case is something we’ll have to wait for a couple of months first to find out.

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